Rox-Star & Chase: The Month Long Tour

Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 Years later...a blog coming from Minoune R.!

Hello my Friends!


I'm not sure where to begin, but this story is for the books...the same kinda books that were written about the carpet munching dog (I say carpet munching in the literal way, not the perverted way you freaks!).


So my Mother that loves me, and my Father that hates me are finally gone to Vegas on a dream trip.


My usual caregiver is Cat-Man...but she moved away to buck-f*ck Kanata and she's knocked up, so she can't take care of me. The only other logical option was to ask this girl known as, for the intimates, Rox-Star (RS).


RS is a cat person, she likes dogs too...but cats are better. Mom and Dad...well Mom asked RS to take care of me while they were away in Vegas. I know Dad didn't, cause he hates me and wants me to die.


RS gladly accepted to take care of me. After all, its simple. I just need food and water every second day. I crap in a sand box..that Mom can clean out once she comes back.


The Saturday before leaving, Mom went to RS's place to deliver the key for her to be able to enter the house and feed me. I don't eat when I'm alone, but regardless. I need food and water.


Come Monday night, it was due time for RS to come over and tend to my needs. It was cold as hell on earth outside...enough to freeze your gonad off. At 7pm, I see RS's face in the window. I really could not care less...but I could not help but stare at her. It was funny, she could not unlock the door. She tried both locks, the key fit in the hole, but didn't turn. I'm sure I had food left in the dish and I know she probably thought, 'the lock is frozen'. She tried real hard! It was dark out and she wondered if the neighbours were watching. She went home, made a few phone calls to Double D wondering if by any chance she had a key, and to Kev to make sure that the key she put back at his place was the right one. Double D had no key, and Kev had his key back, thought about what to do...but had to MAKE SURE it was really not working before calling the Parental Units in Vegas. (lucky she asked where they were staying). She came back to try again 30 minutes no avail, it was not working. I could hear her swear in French and in English...and probably in Russian, Spanish and Eskimo.


She called the hotel in Vegas, after asking for Dad's room, they didn't have anyone by that name there, She then asked for Mom's room, no one by that name there. SHE KNEW THE R's WERE STAYING THERE!!!....turns out that if you remove an 'e' from my Mom's name, you reach their room! Of course, no answer, voice mail!


I'm sure Mom freaked thinking someone died when they heard RS's message. I know Dad probably gave her a barrel of shit and that there was no action in their posh hotel room that night.


RS gets up early for work, she emailed my parents with the hope of them reading emails...but was hesitant. So she braved the grizzly bears and called them at 7am, Vegas time....Dad Grizzly answered...told RS he hated her and to let me die! Blasphemy!!...then, after talking to Mom, it was concluded that the back door was probably, highly, likely unlocked. OK.


And then it got fun!


I heard RS pull up the driveway at 4pm. She hauled a step ladder in the snow bank near the fence and proceeded, with the grace of a cow, wearing her hiking boots, painting jeans, old winter jacket, tuque and a cell phone safely stowed in her left pocket in case of 'emergency', to hike up the fence and make her way to the back door, Agaguk-style.


One leg over the fence, cedar bushes in the head, she made it over the fence to land in 3ft deep snow. OK, acceptable depth. She kept plowing through....and it got deeper, deeper and deeper. She skinnied herself to fit between the patio chairs and the fence, two obstacles done, two more to go. And then the snow drift appeared. Like a real abominable snow man, she walked though the snow drift with the grace of a retard and made it to the steps of the back door (wondering what the glass patio table she stepped on will look like in the spring) and like a hot knife through butter, the door opened! I was saved!!.....The abominable snow retard was here to feed me....complete with snow stuffed down her boots and underware!


I can all tell you what she looks like frustrated with no pants on!!! What a sight! I was fed and she found the right key for the door...cause in the excitement of her departure, Mom gave her the wrong key to the R. Palace!


I've been fed every day since then, and RS comes in through the front door with a smile every day!


Lesson learned here....go pick up the right key! Don't have the wrong key dropped off!!

Please go easy on my Mom, I know she is really upset about all of this...but I really had to write about it!


Love, Minoune

PS: If only I had pictures of all of this!!!!