Rox-Star & Chase: The Month Long Tour

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Scared shitless...literally!

Hello faithfull readers. RS and I had a reunion this weekend...a short, barky one.

Papa was off to the airport, Mama went to visit RS where she is house/dog sitting.

RS has the pleasure of co-habitating with a German Sheppard for three weeks (ending on saturday) Breton is a young, happy go lucky, intelligent, obedient dog. RS figured it would be fun for Breton and Chase to meet. Breton is a social dog, she has full of friends at the park, they race, sniff eachother, play fetch, hump know...what us dogs do for socializing.

Here is a picture of the freak!

Well, well, well. I show up with Mama, first the neighborhood kids greet me. Mama, confused, talks to them with the "who the f$#k are you?" look....and then Breton from behind the fence starts barking and jumping on the fence. RS, in control of the situation suggests that we get Breton on a leash and go to the park right away. We meet back at the front door, leashes on....and this is where the barking match begun.

Breton barked profanities to me. You humans could not understand, so let me translate.

Breton: Yo bitch, who are you and what are you doing here?
Chase: You crazy Biznatch relax, I'm Chase, I come to play.
Breton: Get the hell off my property. This is Breton territory.
Humans look at eachother with fear in their eyes, decide to start walking.

We walk, my hair still straight on my back, I'm terrified! I have to poop. Mama picks it up...gags! RS laughs hysterically. Breton keeps walking. We keep walking. Mama is still gaging from the stench coming from the bag. I find a lush front lawn....poop again, good thing RS has a second bag...Mama gags even more...I start breakdancing-running man style in the lush front lawn, taking chunks off these people's lush front lawn out and making them fly. Mama still gagging, crouched down, picking up the "gold". RS laughing hysterically. Breton keeps walking, almost embarassed to be seen with me.

We get to the park, Breton gets to go off-leash, picks at me because I'm still tied, smelling my ass and all. Humans know better, they expect war. We keep walking. Go around the block, we tolerate eachother. Go home.

And the profanities start again, but this time I win. Breton the Creton stays outside, I get to roam her domain. SUCKA!! I ate some of her cookies, I would tease her through the patio door, I played in her room. Only I know if I peed there or not! Muhahahaha!

All in all, not such a great expericence. I'm never going back to Breton's again! She's a hairy freak that scares the shit out of me...literally!

This is two strikes for RS, first it was Hercules who bit my ear off, then Breton who tried to bite my head off.

I'm going back to mis-behaniv' in my house thank you very much!

Over and out until the next adventure!


PS: I hear Breton searched for me in every room of the house after I left. Did you find my present yet Breton the Creton?!?!?!


  • At 5:46 PM, Blogger Chase said…

    Lucky I didnt shit myself in that crater I made in your carpet!!


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