Rox-Star & Chase: The Month Long Tour

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Today was the day!

June 1st. Happy to report that I took my medicine!

Steph and Martine came over. I no longer have grass up to my neck and tickeling my belly when I go pee! THANK YOU STEPH!

After waiting it out and letting the grass grow, Steph showed up and Mr. Neighbour decided that the grass was long enough (ya think!!??), that time has come!!

Steph nicely tells the man "Its ok, I have to do the back too, I can do it" but he insisted that Steph take a beer and relax. So we did just that...have a beer and relax...Mr. Neighbour cut the grass in the front...and put his machine away!!! After a few moments of bad talking him, the bullet was bit and the back lawn was cut.

Steph and RS in hysterics walking through ppl's yards, the mower started like a charm...with a cloud of smoke enough to make a hole in the ozone layer! Martine the Foreman directed traffic and ensured that her nice husband cut the lawn in straight lines and didn't miss a blade of grass.

After figuring out how to empty the machine, so that the house doesn't smell like fermenting grass again, RS showed her Europe pictures. Sounds like auntie Martine has the bug for Paris!!! ;)

We then went for a walk and met Jersey and her master. Conversation was interesting until he mentionned his wife! I kept walking and RS followed me!!

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I heard I was going to go run with Moka and her boyfriend. Woot Woot!!

No dorky pictures to show you. I know RS is looking for the chicken costume...looks like they are going to laugh at me even more if they get their hands on it. It seems to be the entertainment of their day at work!

Time to go enjoy the freshly cut grass one more time today. RS is tired, we are going to bed early.

The weekend is here tomorrow!!



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