Rox-Star & Chase: The Month Long Tour

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Day2&3 - RoxStar discovered that I was a yanker.

After my quick car ride, we went home and RoxStar left me all alone while she went grocery shopping. I found a plastic bag on the counter and had a chew fest. Rox is a bit worried thinking its going to hurt coming out...but come to think of it, I've for sure eaten worse things.

We spent a quiet evening at home, went to bed early and I made sure to hog the bed as much as I could...and pretended I was fast asleep when RS (lets just write RS for now, I'm sick of writting RoxStar) wanted to move me. I purposely made my body as limp as a noodle and made it as complicated as possible for her to move me. I slept like a baby the whole night, seems like RS did too.

It's now wednesday, mid-week, the sun is out and we went for a quick walk-this morning...6am to be precise, RS was still asleep walking out. As I was out smelling every blade of grass,every street post and the whole mailbox, I suddenly noticed a hare. RS didn't, and just kept her zombie like walk up the street thinking I was following her, my leash extended a little bit and all of a sudden I made a run for it...and practically dislocated her shoulder. Man did I wake her up!!Good thing she had a good grip because it would have been hare stew for all!

Tonight her cousin Mel (see pic) came over. I'm showed my best behaviour. RS's parents also came over. Her Dad (see pic) loves me, her Mom not so much. I want to kiss the lady, but all she does is scream "Yark, Yark, Yark".

No major mess to report. RS is very happy about that, she hopes I can keep it up. I listen to her when she speaks most of the time. She really means business!!

I'm off to scratching the hell out of the carpets again before I can hog the bed again. I get to stay home alone a bit longer tomorrow since RS has volleyball Good night!



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